
State of California and the high deficit problems it is just beginning.

Now that we are in the new year of 2012, I would like to be the first to say Happy New Year now get ready to tighten your spending belt as well as straighten out your financial goals in order to help bring down and/or eliminate the high deficit that has been growing in years and unfortunately will take longer years to make it completely disappear.  First as Californians we need to discipline ourselves in regards to spending and wasting money when we do not need too and really shouldn’t but start saving money and putting away all that extra cash in a safe place for those upcoming emergencies and/or necessities that you really never know when they will appear unexpectedly.  The cost and prices of both food and gasoline are high enough as it is and our getting ready by the minute, we all need to start forming and creating a formal budget and stick too it and maybe having to cut-out those end of the year vacations, or trips to restaurants and instead stay home with the family saving money.  Remember California, I hate to mention this but the United States government is also in a large deficit situation as well so we as a State need to start by setting a good example on making cut-backs and reductions on un-important and really non-needed services that can help the budget grow and ultimately help the deficit drop.  I think we should send a strong, loud and clear message to both the Governor and the Law-Makers of the State of California, we need to tighten our financial belts as a State if we are ever going to make progress towards reducing and/or eliminating the large deficit that will loom over our heads for years too come until we do something about it.  Remember the large deficit was not made in one day but if we all work together one day at a time the deficit will come down and disappear eventually.

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